Woman receiving cupping treatment on back

Here’s Why You May Want to Schedule Your Cupping Massage Now

At Aria Medi Spa, clients can choose from a vast selection of pampering and restorative treatments. Here, we want to discuss the various benefits of cupping massage, one of our favorite rejuvenating services. 

What is Cupping Massage?

Cupping is a traditional treatment that has been performed for many, many years. It helps to safely resolve a variety of complaints, including muscle tightness and pain. Perhaps you’ve seen the evidence of a cupping massage on the body of someone you know or have seen in the gym. This therapy is popular among celebrities and athletes across all sports, so we’re seeing an increase in interest as a result. Still, it’s easy to think that cupping is only necessary if you’ve worked out extra hard or are nursing an injury. It’s not. There are several reasons to schedule a cupping massage!

  • Cupping is good for circulation. Where the massage therapist places the cups, they encourage blood flow. It is the increase in circulation that helps relieve muscle tension. The increase also helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite and to promote cellular repair. 
  • Toxin release. Cupping massage can act as a form of lymphatic massage because the technique encourages organs and tissues to release toxins and waste. Our modern lifestyle can overload the body with toxins relatively quickly, so lymphatic flow must be promoted on a regular basis, and cupping is a safe and convenient way to do this. 
  • Anxiety relief. The action of cupping and the movement across the skin engages the parasympathetic nervous system. This is the part of the central nervous system that is involved in digestion, gland activity, and heart rate. The engagement of the parasympathetic nervous system promotes deep, whole-body relaxation. 
  • Stretch mark treatment. Stretch marks can be a challenge for many people. With the increased blood flow and disposal of toxins through lymphatic circulation, cupping massage can help remove excess fluid from the body, resulting in lightened stretch marks and scars. Studies suggest that the benefit is systemic, with stretch marks lightening even away from the direct treatment area. 
  • Clear up congestion. Congestion is the buildup of fluid in the lungs. It may relate to asthma, a common cold, or other conditions. Where cups are applied, the suction helps to break up congestion and also promote expulsion via the movement of oxygen-rich blood and lymph fluid. We think of congestion only as it pertains to the lungs. However, the colon and intestines can also become congested. Cupping in the area can help restore intestinal movement.

Experience the benefits of massage therapy. Contact Aria Medi Spa in Sterling, VA. We’ve got a variety of services, including cupping massage, from which to choose. 703.444.2800.

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What to expect during consultation?

  1. General Evaluation and Consultation consists of a VISIA Complexion Analysis and Full Body DEXA Composition Test.

  2. VISIA Analysis Scan captures key visual information of your skin, measure your skin pigmentation, pore size,  UV spots, photo damage, texture and wrinkles.

  3. Our Full Body Composition Scan reveals important information regarding body composition, fat, muscle mass, and bone density. 

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