The aging process starts to become evident at the age of 35. It slows down the general metabolism and decreases energy levels. As a result, all of our bodily functions decline and less effectively recognize infection agents, only partially reacting to them, leading to the accumulation of toxins in fat cells.
While fat cells may play an active role in immune system regulation and carry healthy metabolic substances, they can also act as “storehouses” for toxins. These stored toxins damage your well-being through a multitude of means. If your detoxification pathways are clogged or sluggish, then they will not be able to be excreted in the proper amounts. Likewise, if you have more places for them to be stored (i.e. more fat cells), then this will cause a higher toxic load as well.
When our bodies are overburdened by toxicity, it can lead to not only feeling drained in general, but also to significant weight gain. At Aria, we use our Total Body Design weight loss program alongside various anti-aging solutions that are able to redesign your body using a combination of spa services and internal body sources.
Imagine the possibilities of having your best body ever. Total Body Design Programs focus on eliminating stubborn fat deposits in the body. We use UltraShape FDA-approved technology along with effective spa Core Treatments that will contour and firm the body. Lose weight and firm your body.
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