Simple Ways To Reduce Stress

Stress can be hard on your health and hard on your appearance—which is why it is important to know how to reduce stress in your life. Try a few of the following strategies next time you feel stressed out.

  1. Exercise—Physical activity is a natural stress reliever—and it is one of the best stress reducers available to you. When you exercise, your body produces more dopamine, which helps you manage your emotions and feel happier. Regular exercise can also lead to increased serotonin uptake—serotonin helps you feel happy, energetic, and focused. As an added bonus, regular exercise will keep the rest of your body healthy while calming your mind.
  2. Learn to say no—If you don’t have the time or energy for an extra commitment, don’t feel guilty about saying no. It is better to save your time and energy for the things you can do well rather than over committing. Having too much on your plate can easily make you feel stressed out and make it harder to do things as well as you’d like. Saying no when you don’t have the time or resources to do something will help you manage your time and prevent stress.
  3. Get more sleep—Everything is more stressful when you are tired. Listen to your body and rest when you need to—most people need about 7 or 8 hours each night. To make sleeping easier, avoid eating after 7 pm, don’t look at screens within an hour of going to bed, and keep your bedroom cool.
  4. Go outside—Spending time outside can be very relaxing. Something as simple as a walk during your lunch-break can help you refocus and relax.
  5. Give yourself a day off—Sometimes you just need to take a break and reset. Schedule a day off to relax and to really make the most of your day, visit a spa. Aria Medi Spa offers relaxing massages that can relieve pain and tension as well as aroma-therapeutic facials that can refresh your skin while helping you relax. Aria Medi Spa also offers many other relaxing treatments that can help you relieve stress and return to your regular life looking and feeling your very best. Call 703 -444-2800 today to schedule an appointment.

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Ready to Get Started?

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What to expect during consultation?

  1. General Evaluation and Consultation consists of a VISIA Complexion Analysis and Full Body DEXA Composition Test.

  2. VISIA Analysis Scan captures key visual information of your skin, measure your skin pigmentation, pore size,  UV spots, photo damage, texture and wrinkles.

  3. Our Full Body Composition Scan reveals important information regarding body composition, fat, muscle mass, and bone density. 

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