Want to Look Younger? Consider These Suggestions!

Skin Care Services Ashburn VAWe tend to talk quite a bit about how we can look younger as we age. Most people realize that they cannot look twenty forever, and most don’t really want to. What we want is to feel good about our appearance at whatever age we encounter. At Aria Medical Spa, we offer several options for women and men who want to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, to tighten up their skin, and address specific concerns such as hyperpigmentation. Aside from our numerous professional services, we support our clients by offering suggestions on how they can maintain their skin better, so they look younger long after any professional treatment they obtain.

Look Younger With

Yoga and Exercise

As yoga has made its way into popular mainstream practice, more people have come to realize that this is not just another way to exercise. Yoga supports physical and mental well-being and can even enhance beauty. This is possible because yoga increases circulation and more blood circulating through superficial vessels means more oxygen for skin cells. Exercise also helps us look younger by increasing the natural production of human growth hormone, a chemical known to stimulate collagen synthesis.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a popular trend among men and women interested in losing or maintaining weight, increasing physical energy, and supporting a healthy aging process. Intermittent fasting means that food consumption takes place during a window of time. Some people give themselves a four-hour window in which they eat their daily calories, and others vary between that and ten hours. What is essential is that the window remains the same each day. In addition to promoting greater fat metabolism and blood-sugar regulation, intermittent fasting also increases the body’s production of human growth hormone.


It has become apparent that free radicals can cause all sorts of mayhem in the body. However, we naturally make free radicals, indicating that a certain number of these unstable molecules can actually be good for us. Problems occur when we have more free radicals than we do antioxidants. This is because free radicals, by nature, rob other cells of their electron or other components that the free radical cell is missing. Antioxidants save the day by readily offering up their electron to the free radical, calming it and preventing it from pillaging the body’s healthy cells. Antioxidants to their best work in the body, but they can also be put on the body in the form of antioxidant creams and serums.

Do you want assistance with your aging process? Aria Medical Spa in Sterling, VA has many ways to help you. Call 703-444-2800 to learn more.

Membership​ Benefits

Our membership programs are designed for guests who want to enjoy their services more frequently. Learn more

10% OFF

with Medispa Membership

20% OFF

with Medispa VIP Club

10% OFF

with Yoga Membership

20% OFF

with Yoga VIP Club

Ready to Get Started?

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What to expect during consultation?

  1. General Evaluation and Consultation consists of a VISIA Complexion Analysis and Full Body DEXA Composition Test.

  2. VISIA Analysis Scan captures key visual information of your skin, measure your skin pigmentation, pore size,  UV spots, photo damage, texture and wrinkles.

  3. Our Full Body Composition Scan reveals important information regarding body composition, fat, muscle mass, and bone density. 

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