The Seven Chakras Workshop 

The Seven CHAKRAS Workshop April 14, 2018

Aria Yoga Center Presents:
The Seven CHAKRAS Workshop April 14, 2018 12:30 pm 
This 90 minute workshop is $50 per person. Fee includes a glossary, small healing treats, light yoga, meditation, pranayama instruction, aromatherapy via various essential oils and an overview of applicable healing crystals.

The chakras are seven energy centers in the body along the spinal column that affect your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. From a physiological perspective, they are anatomical areas where plexuses of veins and arteries are more condensed. We will provide you with tools for opening the chakras and accessing their inner mysteries. Learn how to navigate the map of the chakra system through asana, pranayama, mantra and other healing modalities. Join us for a fun, informative and engaging journey.

Please wear comfortable clothes and bring notepaper and a pen if you’d like to take notes.

$85 – Register for both An AYURVEDA Workshop  and The Seven CHAKRAS Workshop and  receive $25 off  Shirodhara-75 min Ayurvedic Therapy

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Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What to expect during consultation?

  1. General Evaluation and Consultation consists of a VISIA Complexion Analysis and Full Body DEXA Composition Test.

  2. VISIA Analysis Scan captures key visual information of your skin, measure your skin pigmentation, pore size,  UV spots, photo damage, texture and wrinkles.

  3. Our Full Body Composition Scan reveals important information regarding body composition, fat, muscle mass, and bone density. 

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